2024 FEAT Walk & Carnival 
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Maidu Community Park
1550 Maidu Drive ~ Roseville CA 95661

FEAT thanks our wonderful participants, sponsors, volunteers, and friends for making 2024 FEAT Walk on June 1st a FUN success! 

Donations are greatly appreciated and will be received through June 8th. FEAT is a 501c3 nonprofit that relies solely on individual and corporation donations. 

See you in 2025! 

  • FEAT Walk Registration is $35 each
  • Kids ages two to 12 are $5 each
    Under age two, free.
  • May 5th was Last Day for T-Shirt


  • Live music performance by Chasing Sunday
  • Morning "kick-off" rally 
  • 2k nature trail walk/run
  • Fun booth activities
  • Face painting
  • Jump houses
  • Raffle
  • + more!

MORNING Schedule

8:00   Registration Open/Pick up T-Shirts
8:00   Raffle Tickets ($5/each or 5 tickets for $20)
9:00   Kick-Off Rally
9:30   2k FEAT Walk on accessible paved nature trail
10:00 Carnival Booths featuring Vendors and Self Determination Resources 
11:00 Raffle Winners Announced --You must be present to win.
11:00 Sensory-friendly performance by Chasing Sunday 
Noon Clean Up | Out by 1:00

The 2024 FEAT Walk & Carnival brings together families, their friends, and autism resource vendors to enjoy a fun, interactive outdoor experience for local individuals living with autism. 

2024 FEAT Walk raises funds for FEAT to keep helping families access new, exciting and creative resources. FEAT's mission to provide education, advocacy, and support includes the toddler just diagnosed with autism as well as the adult leading a Self-Determined Life

FEAT's thirty year legacy and mission continues to provide families with strong peer support, free education/resource meetings, meaningful fun family events, and pioneering advocacy for a variety of community resources via California's Self-Determination Program. There is no cure for autism, making it a life-long challenge to access resources to reach one's full potential and experience a maximum quality of life. When FEAT began in 1993, the prevalence for autism was one in 10,000. 
Today, the prevalence for autism is one in 36. 

FEAT is a 501c3 nonprofit that relies solely on individual and corporation donations as well as funds raised during FEAT Walk. 

"We will never forget the comfort of having FEAT members helping us 18 years ago when we first moved to Sacramento and our son was diagnosed with autism. Having FEAT's support during that bewildering time, and since, has made life more bearable."  Howard &Tracey Dinh

Check out the amazing FEAT Walk Raffle Packages on Saturday and get your Raffle Tickets ($5/each or five for $20 suggested donation for tickets.)

Participants & Teams

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